For such a short distance we've come a long way...

March 5, 2024

As I was sat in the office before starting work earlier today, I remembered the founder of Three Owls; Mrs Eileen Watkinson MBE and how she, too would have been sat here in this very office at this time of day (6.50am) all those years ago.

I recalled my first day of volunteering at the charity; waaay back to Easter 1978. I had visited a number of times over the years as two of my elder brothers also helped here. I had stood in the same doorway, with Mrs W sitting where I was now and was welcomed in to come and 'do my bit' to help the wild birds needing our assistance to get better, with the aim to get them back into the wild.....and I never left!

I was very priviledged to have 1-to-1 training with Mrs W for the next 17 years, which has stood me in good stead for handover of the reigns to help keep Three Owls going for approaching 30 years since we lost her, and looking well into the future.

Today is the anniversary of her passing; now 29 years since, and I think that looking down she would be pleased with all that we have achieved since she left us, and indeed all we continue to do, and have planned going forwards.

The photo accompanying this report is Mrs Watkinson and Guzzler - one of our permanent tawny owl residents. The aviary the owls lived in stood only about 12 yards from where I sit now. They had a very close bond throughout their years living at Three Owls.

Thank you all for your continued support of Three Owls Bird Sanctuary & Reserve.



Wild Bird Advice and information

Many people would help birds more, if they knew simple easy ways in which they could help wild birds, without going to too-much extra trouble. Often there are ways to help – that don’t actually ‘cost’ anything at all, but can make a huge difference to making birds welcome and safe in the environment around us.


One of the main causes of bird injuries (espec

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