If you find an injured, distressed or dazed bird... PLEASE DO NOT feed it on bread and milk, or tinned cat/dog food this will ultimately either kill it or leave it with severe deformities.
(please read carefully all options before you attempt to feed any distressed bird)
Three Owls Special Bread Mix (for use with fledged birds only)
Song birds i.e. Blackbird, Thrush, Sparrow, Bluetit, Starling etc.
The above can also be use for Moorhens and Lapwings but Mealworms must be added.
Compatable Extras
Sultanas, Raisins, Ground peanuts, Blobs of raw mince, Mealworms and Waxworms.
** Prosecto is made from dried crushed insects and is jam-packed full of goodness for birds. It is available mail-order from John E Haith Ltd.
Magpies, Crow, Rook, Raven, Jackdaw, Jay etc.
Please Note: for adult birds use all 6 ingredients, for baby birds use the first 4 ingredients mashed together and fed using a pair of blunt tweezers (we use the blue plastic hospital tweezers). Dog biscuits are preferable to cat biscuits, as the latter sometimes contain elements which birds find difficult to process.
Songbird and Carrion - Emergency Overnight Food.
For doves and pigeons, the best pick-me-up food is Red Band pigeon corn. This is a blend of smaller seeds with a red tinge and smells of aniseed; the birds love it and consequently makes feeding much easier. It is vitamin-rich and will quickly help restore an under-nourished bird back to health.
NB If you cannot locate any Red Band corn, then a equally good alternative (and 50% cheaper) is TK Conditioner from Bamfords; part of their Top Flight range.
For owls or birds of prey, any raw red meat but NOT liver, sausage or bacon. A piece of sheeps heart or steak is ideal, even raw mince would keep a young bird overnight.
Birds have the greatest chance of survival if admitted to a sanctuary within 24 hours of being found. This is especially important if bones are fractured which could set in the wrong position, resulting in a bird needlessly being rendered unfit for release back to the wild.
Please, please ring/text/email our Helpline for advice if you have any doubts!"
When treating a casualty please bear in mind that it is ILLEGAL to keep ANY wild bird in captivity without a license - the current maximum fine for doing such is £15,000 PER BIRD, plus an optional 6-month prison term.
Wild Bird Advice and information
Many people would help birds more, if they knew simple easy ways in which they could help wild birds, without going to too-much extra trouble. Often there are ways to help – that don’t actually ‘cost’ anything at all, but can make a huge difference to making birds welcome and safe in the environment around us.
One of the main causes of bird injuries (espec
Owls in crisis this winter
I have just taken yet another call on the Helpline in regard to an owl in an exposed location not moving, though still a
Newsletter update
Just to update; the newsletter link is now working with a temporary copy of the new edition; this will be updated from t
Happy New Year to all our supporters
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What a wonderful gift today
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Merry Christmas to all our supporters
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