Owls in crisis this winter

January 12, 2025

I have just taken yet another call on the Helpline in regard to an owl in an exposed location not moving, though still alive.

These are often tawny owls; native to the UK and if in good health able to survive a few days without food if the weather is fair ... but every life has its breaking point.

These birds may not have eaten for several days due to the very cold wintery weather we have experienced over the past week. While the mice, rats and voles can create tunnels in the snow to get aound and feed, it is much more difficult for owls living above the snow to locate [and then catch] them. Each failed attempt to do so, robs the bird of vital energy, whilst they still have to keep their bodies warm and functioning. Without flight, they cannot hunt.

Calls are coming in thick and fast now from all over the country...indeed another has come in while I am typing this. These birds need your help, and need you to get them to a rescue as soon as possible. By the time they are grounded, they are very weak and close to starvation. Please use the link at the top of the website page to locate your nearest wildlife rescue centre, and be guided by the instructions they give you.

The bird can be gently picked up by dropping a towel over it, and transferred into a box which has a towel on the floor to prevent it sliding around. Keeping it in the dark will also stop it panicking as you travel. Don't forget air holes in the box!

If you put your fingertips under its wings, it's body temperature should feel slightly warmer than you do, thus you can regulate if it needs assistance to warm up; such as a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel underneath the box.

Contact us or the Sanctuary you are taking it to as regards any food, as each bird is different depending on circumstances, but remember NEVER give any wild bird cat food - it can be lethal to them.

Thank you for caring.



Wild Bird Advice and information

Many people would help birds more, if they knew simple easy ways in which they could help wild birds, without going to too-much extra trouble. Often there are ways to help – that don’t actually ‘cost’ anything at all, but can make a huge difference to making birds welcome and safe in the environment around us.


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